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Preparing Your Garden for Winter

October 21, 2020

It’s that time of year again. Summer fun is done, we are welcoming fall (YAY!), and winter weather is unfortunately around the corner. If you want to enjoy your garden next year, there are a few things you need to do to prep for the colder months. Here are our top FIVE tips that you can do now to keep your garden safe all winter long, and help make next spring easier:

1. Start with a good clean-up.

Remove any rotting plants. They can have diseases, pests, and fungus that could spread and infect the rest of your garden. You should also remove any invasive weeds and put them directly in the trash. Did you know, most weeds will continue to grow in a compact heap or weed pile?

2. Prune your perennials.

Give your flowers some extra love. A good trim back for the winter months will help your perennials survive the cold. Take care to trim the right ones, though. Ornamental grasses can be pruned back in the fall or left up to enjoy throughout the winter.  Some plants, like hydrangeas, have specific pruning requirements to bloom the following season - be sure to do your research!

Preparing Your Garden for Winter

3. Check your soil.

Fall is the perfect time for soil amendments like Gro-Max Garden soil, manure, compost and bone meal. Prepping your soil now will mean you are one step ahead of the game come springtime.

4. Do we talk about mulch enough?

Mulching your garden before the frost will reduce water loss during winter, while protecting from soil erosion and stopping weed growth. Add a thick layer of mulch to regulate soil temperatures and moisture as you transition your plants for winter. When the mulch breaks down, it adds fresh organic matter to your soil.

5. Take a picture!

Hopefully, you have taken pictures throughout the summer months of your garden in full bloom. Take a few minutes now to take one last picture. Over the winter months is a great time to plan your additions. If your green thumb is getting a little cold over the chilly season, you can keep touch with your garden by sketching out or writing down any new ways you want to improve your garden come spring.

Prepping your garden now will have a big impact on next year’s growth. Stop by Dragonfly Landscape Supply for all your winter prep needs. Our friendly team has lots of tips and tricks to help your garden survive the frosty weather.
