5 Ways To Make Your Outdoor Space POP This Spring!
5 Ways To Make Your Outdoor Space POP This Spring!

February 28, 2022

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Lawn Maintenance Tips and Tricks
Lawn Maintenance Tips and Tricks

February 26, 2021

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Lawn Maintenance Tips and Tricks

February 26, 2021

A well-kept lawn not only looks nice, but it also increases the curb appeal and resale value of your home. Nobody wants to be “that person” who lets their grass grow wild. When spring rolls around, here are some tips to keep your front yard top in the neighbourhood.

A time to mow…

Remember the phrase “mow high when it’s dry”. Grass cut at approximately 6-8 cm will grow a deep and sturdy root system and will become more luscious and thick. The height helps the soil to lock moisture in the dryer times and also creates ‘shade’ that makes it more difficult for weeds to germinate. It’s important to sharpen your lawn mower blade in the spring before using it and keep it sharp throughout the summer and fall. Grass recovers much easier from a clean cut, so you never want to tear it with dull blades. Did you know you should leave your lawn clippings on your lawn? Say goodbye to the daunting raking step and let the cut grass naturally compost and nourish your yard.

Lawn Maintenance Tips and Tricks

Water, water everywhere…just don’t give it too much to drink

Your grass needs to soak up water to grow, but overwatering can lead to stifled growth and even disease. A good rule of thumb is to water ONLY when your yard needs it. Once a week is the standard when there is no rain. About 2.5 cm of water should do it. A good trick is to leave an empty can of tuna in your yard and stop watering when it is full. Morning is the best time to get out the hose, if you can, because you reduce the amount of water loss from wind and evaporation in the hot sun. A late-night sprinkle will leave the grass wet longer and increase the chance of disease.

Ah, ah, ah, ah fertilize…fertilize

Your fertilization schedule and amount depend highly on the type of soil and grass you are working with, as well as your physical location and weather conditions. The most important thing is to follow all the instructions on your product label or given to you by the gardening expert where you purchased it. In general, you will use less in the spring and summer and go a bit heavier in the late fall. You shouldn’t fertilize when the weather is likely to be hot and dry because of how the nutrients release in the heat. Stick to natural as much as possible, and only use an herbicide mixed in when absolutely necessary.

From seed to sod and accessories, Dragonfly Landscape Supply has everything you need to keep your yard looking stunning. Keep you Not sure where to start? Just stop by! Our knowledgeable team loves nothing more than helping customers find what they need…because beautiful landscapes start here!
