5 Ways To Make Your Outdoor Space POP This Spring!
5 Ways To Make Your Outdoor Space POP This Spring!

February 28, 2022

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Navajo Skippers - The Perfect Painting Rock
Navajo Skippers - The Perfect Painting Rock

September 03, 2020

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Just the Thing You Need for a Beautiful, Healthy Lawn!

April 22, 2021

Your grass requires a balanced diet JUST LIKE YOU DO! Nutrient imbalances lead to many concerns in the health of your lawn…even a compromised immune system, just like we experience. Unlike us, though, plants take their nutrients directly from the soil. That’s why soil quality is so essential for a healthy yard.

There are many one-size-fits-all kits to strengthen the quality of your soil but here’s the thing, not all grass is the same. The only way to determine, once and for all, what vital components you are missing to grow a healthy lawn is with a soil test.

Where can I get a soil kit?

At Dragonfly Landscape Supply, we teamed up with A&L Laboratories Inc. to bring you a custom lawn care service. Convenient and extremely easy to use, you can now get your soil lab-tested and receive a custom report with recommendations on how you can improve the quality of your turf. 

Just the Thing You Need for a Beautiful, Healthy Lawn!

How it works…

The process is simple:

Step 1: Stop by and pick up your soil kit from us

Step 2: Collect a sample using the materials provided in the kit (shovel, package with postage, and ruler)

Step 3: Ship your sample to A&L Laboratories

Step 4: After a short wait, you will get your results

Step 5: Pick up the recommended products at Dragonfly Landscape Supply! We have the soil, seed, fertilizer, and everything else you will need from the report.  

Your report results will contain an actual shopping list for your customized nutrition program based on the square footage of your lawn. Easy to follow, it displays the product name, number of units, and quantity of the product needed, as well as month-to-month directions on how to best care for your lawn. If growing season is already underway, simply start-up at the correlating time on the chart and continue forward.

The program you receive will be valid for about two to three years, but we suggest you submit a sample every 24 months for an accurate update on what your soil needs.

Make your lawn the envy of every house on the block and do a little good for the environment while you are at it. At Dragonfly Landscape Supply, we do everything we can do to make landscaping life just that little bit simpler. Stop by and pick up your soil kit today.

Happy sampling!
