Saving Money During Landscaping
Saving Money During Landscaping

March 20, 2020

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Delivery from Dragonfly Landscape Supply

April 09, 2020

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Seasonal Guide to Landscaping

January 27, 2020

Seasonal Guide to Landscaping

Each season of the year brings its own benefits and hindrances for landscaping. Even during cold Canadian winters, there are simple things you can do to ensure your lawn and garden will always look their best.


Spring is an ideal time to do some upkeep, including lawn, plant, and even patio furniture maintenance. It’s also the perfect season to spread lawn fertilizer as long as the snow is gone. Repairing dead patches and aerating your lawn now will make for stronger, healthier grass in the summer.

Don’t forget about the garden! Take the time to remove dead plants so that new seedlings have the space to grow. At Dragonfly, we always recommend leaving your old mulch in your garden because it adds nutrients and organic matter to your soil making it richer and helping reduce compaction. 



During summer when the sun is stronger and the temperatures are warmer, it is critical that you mow your lawn regularly. Just be careful you aren’t cutting it too short to save time! Taller grass holds up to drought and heat better. Watering your lawn is also extremely important but did you know you can over water? Different types of grass need different care. One of our trained team members can walk you through how to best protect your lawn.

When it comes to your garden, weeds will begin to sprout up in the heat, so weed regularly and keep an eye out for insect or animal damage. Didn’t get to add new mulch in the spring? It’s not too late to do it now!



Fortunately, landscaping in the fall is relatively painless, unless it’s overly cold or the snow comes early. Mid-September is the ideal time to seed your lawn for next year. As the season progresses, you will need to rake up dead leaves and plants before the snow begins to fall. You should also protect vulnerable plants and shrubs with burlap wrapping for the colder months.

If your garden has bulbs that will be susceptible to winter frost, dig them up and store them for the spring. Fall is a great time to move smaller plants indoors. Don’t forget to bring any clay pots or decorations in out of the elements.



Is there landscaping to do in the winter? Yes…even in Canada!  Winter landscaping is largely about maintenance. If you can, prevent walking or driving over frozen lawns as doing so can damage your grass and thwart healthy growth in the spring.  When salting your driveway and walkways in the winter, be sure to keep the salt out of and away from lawns or gardens. Even better, use sand instead to prevent excess salt leaching into the ground and water supply.

Looking for month specific landscaping tips? The Farmer’s Almanac has great suggestions depending on what region you’re in! You can find that information here:

Want a more personal approach? Give us a call at Dragonfly Landscape Supply to talk through more tips specific to your lawn and garden at (519) 448-1449.  
